Tuesday, January 3, 2012


i hate new year's. not so much the actual turning of the calendar, but the celebration of it. it makes me crazy when people start asking months in advance, "what are you doing for new year's?" i used to be one of those people, i had great hopes for a fabulous and fun new year's eve. each year, my anticipation of the holiday became less and less. in fact, this is the first year in a long time where i was in bed before midnight. my husband recorded dick clark's rockin' new year's eve and we watched the countdown the next morning at 9:59, and kissed at the stroke of 10 (a.m. that is)!

i can't stand hearing about every one's new year's resolutions either. wait, check that, i can't stand hearing resolutions that are boring. i mean if i hear one more person say they are going to "lose weight or get in shape", i'm gonna puke. and isn't it always the same person who makes "losing weight" their resolution every year? so how did that work out for ya the past, oh i don't know, 10 years?

i like hearing resolutions that mean something. i recently heard one and i'm going to make it one of my resolutions. cleanse. not a body cleanse, a life cleanse. i'm cleansing anything toxic out of my life. people (family and friends), work stuff, etc. i don't need the toxicity, so i'm cleansing it away. i'm also going to work on being present when i'm with people. it's something i know i haven't been doing and so obvious when people aren't being present with me. it's easy to be involved in a conversation or anything yet not really be involved. i experience it all the time, i'm having a conversation with someone and they pick up their phone to check their texts, or check twitter, or see if they god forbid missed someone's status on facebook. it makes me feel like shit, like i'm wasting their time with my story. and maybe they don't care about my story, but it's still hurtful when it's that apparent. so i'm following the ol' adage of 'treat others how you wish to be treated'. i'm going to be present in all i do. time is too precious to be wasted and distractions are just that, distracting me from the things that really matter.

2012 is going to be a great year. as much as i loathe celebrating the "new year", i was still excited to turn that calendar and see january 1, 2012. there are so many great things on the horizon for me and my family and i can't wait to see them come to fruition. it's up to me to make them happen and i'm going to do just that. i guess that's my last resolution, make things happen. and i will. 2012 you're going to be fun.